Korean Sheet Masks Battle #Innisfree


This time, I’m back with a new topic about Korean sheet masks. There are so many types of sheet masks available in the Korean market, and each of the brand has different way to promote their products in order to attract the customers like us!

So, I did get a lot of passion toward K-sheet masks because there are soo manyyy tooo choose, and each has different purposes: brightening, cooling, anti-aging, minimizing pores, providing nutrition for dry skin, etc

And so, after trying some of the famous one, I decided to show you guys some of my favorites which based on my own scale!

  • Consistency: I love the one that is not too watery and too thick. If it’s too watery, it will slide all over my face. If the consistency is too thick, we would have to hold the mask for more than 15 minutes to wait for all of the nutritions to be absorbed into the skin.
  • Price: Not too pricey! Just because I’m a student, I’m looking for something that is affordable and convenient.

So, let me introduce my first favorite brand!


The line “My Real Squeeze Mask” is one of my favorite. I think Innisfree sheet mask is quite popular. The scent for all of the flavors are not too strong, which is a great thing because you don’t want to sneeze while having a sheet mask on your face. The scents are kinda subtle and relax. The price is supper affordable for a cute packaging sheet mask. (I think it’s usually less than $1). I personally think Innisfree did a really good job on the consistency for those. After putting in a sheet mask for 15 minutes, some of the essences in the sheet mask still remain on your skin, enough for further absorption without providing any irritation to the skin.

Among a variety of types to choose, I tried and love some of these:

Cucumber , acaiberry, aloe, bamboo, greentea, manuka honey, pomegranate, and rose!

Kết quả hình ảnh cho innisfree sheet mask

I think Innisfree changes their packaging sometimes ago, and they also came out with different types. In the future, I would love to try the new ones too!

That’s it for today’s blog. If you have tried the Innisfree sheet masks, what are your recommendations, and what’s your holy grail ones?

The up coming brand will be Nature Republic, and I hope to see you guys in my next K-sheet mask journey!
